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There is Always a Lesson to Be Learned

As a future teacher, I realize there are lessons to be learned everywhere. We have to be the ones open to these lessons and realize what we are meant to learn. We can ignore these lessons or we can grow from these lessons.  When reflecting on this experience, I can say with full confidence, it has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever been a part of. I have had the opportunity to grow professionally and personally. I know, because of this experience, I have become a better version of myself. I have had a lot of time to reflect on this experience as a whole and I have decided to share some of the lessons I learned while abroad. Do not be afraid. Trust me - it’s so much easier said than done. Coming into this experience you can’t help but be scared. It is an experience that is out of your comfort zone and one that is so unfamiliar. Come into this experience excited, confident, and open. If you’re going abroad with this program, you have prepared yourself through sch

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